
All that is not music here is silence,

And silence feeds the solitary soul.

Leave behind the madness and the violence;

Accept this invitation to be whole.

Welcome to the ultimate dimension,

Where your own true nature is revealed.

No less real for being our invention;

This is where your spirit comes to heal.

It seems that there's a better way to live;

To take less than you give,

To love with wild abandon.

You know that there's another way to be;

A clearer way to see,

A deeper understanding.

Looking back on all you left behind you;

Bittersweet, the memories remain.

Remnants of a time that once defined you,

They rise up and they fall away again.

So welcome to the Ultimate Dimension,

Where your own true nature is revealed.

No less real for being our invention;

This is where your spirit comes to heal.

It seems that there's a better way to live;

To take less than you give,

To love with wild abandon.

You know that there's another way to be;

A clearer way to see,

A deeper understanding.

Copyright 2024 William K. Ferro